About Us

THE PSALM 119 FOUNDATIONThe Psalm 119 Foundation is a non-profit educational organization dedicated to promoting the standards of holy living found in Scripture.  The board of directors established the organization in 2012 on their commitment to providing clear and compelling teaching of the Bible.  Our objective: echo G-d's call to holy living.

The Foundation focuses its efforts on delivering teaching and commentary through our various websites.  We also sponsor and organize conferences where Foundation directors and like-minded teachers can further share and encourage others to seek the G-d of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob and walk in His ways.

In addition to serving students, the Foundation also supports the needs of teachers, pastors, rabbis, and others in delivering small-group Bible education in a methodical and detailed manner.

Beginning in 2007 with a single website, Psalm11918.org, our efforts have expanded to six separate domains each focused on specific audiences and a variety of subjects.  The Psalm 119 Foundation was formed to provide consistent direction and executive oversight for the expanding scope of our efforts.

The Foundation is blessed by a growing list of supporters who share our passion and vision to prepare believers for the coming King and His glorious kingdom.  We operate on the provision that G-d makes available through the prayers and financial contributions of our friends, sponsors, and supporters.  Join our efforts to echo G-d's call to holy living.